Thursday, February 21, 2008


Taken from SFGate

ARIES March 20-April 18
Respect your limits and remember that an ache or pain is your body’s way of signaling “time out”. It also gives you a chance to see what your mind is up to.

TAURUS April 19-May 19
Be wary when colleagues praise you for your insight on a problem. They’re looking to saddle you with it. Tell them you’re in awe of their expert handling.

GEMINI May 20-June 20
You’ve listened to a friend’s sob story too many times. But help him pull himself up by the bootstraps and he’ll stop crying foul.

CANCER June 21-July 21
A prize dangles in reach but still eludes you. Bide your time and it falls into your lap by month’s end.

LEO July 22-August 21
That wet blanket feeling will lift by next week. Meanwhile do things that get you out and about.

VIRGO August 22-September 21
You always give sensible advice, but now’s not the time. What a friend needs is a shoulder to lean on. And grab a box of tissues while you’re at it.

LIBRA September 22-October 22
You’re forgiving of everyone but one person. Nevertheless the planets show it’s time to resolve your differences.

SCORPIO October 23-November 21
Friends are amazed with the way you’ve held your tongue. But today things go too far and you finally voice what you’ve been feeling.

SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 20
Don’t ask for feedback because people will focus more on what’s wrong than on what’s right. Wait until next week when their advice is more constructive.

CAPRICORN December 21-January 19
You delayed moving on, but now that you have, the person you saw yourself with finally speaks up. Don’t’ fall for it. S/he’s the type who would always be too little too late.

AQUARIUS January 20-February 17
For weeks you were told that there was no more money in the budget and suddenly there is. Evidently you have an anonymous benefactor.

PISCES February 18-March 19
You always have an excuse for that person who disappoints you. Rationalize as you please but note that your friends are over the favoritism.

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