Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Taken from SFgate

ARIES March 20-April 18
It will take time to absorb the impact of so many revelations, but once you do you’ll feel more validated than you have in years!

TAURUS April 19-May 19
Expect big changes at work. It may look like everything’s going to hell in a handbasket, but there’s a hidden opportunity in this—and with your name on it.

GEMINI May 20-June 20
It’s hard to believe that someone wants you back, but guess what? This person’s sincere. Take things slowly because Mercury’s still retrograde thru the 18th.

CANCER June 21-July 21
All you want to do is sleep. It’s not a bad idea since the unconscious is where you work out your problems. When you wake you’ll know exactly what to do.

LEO July 22-August 21
Don’t let the solar eclipse blind you to the needs of others. Your feelings may have cooled, but theirs haven’t. Be respectful of their hearts.

VIRGO August 22-September 21
Ready for something completely different? Here it comes. A year from now you’ll wonder how you could have lived any other way.

LIBRA September 22-October 22
Ask for help today because you’ll get it. People are more than happy to lend a hand.

SCORPIO October 23-November 21
It’s time to seek assistance with something you’ve been struggling with. What looks intimidating one on one is infinitely manageable with the right back-up.

SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 20
Just when you thought it was safe to have a love life, you get thrown for a loop. You should know better than to settle for the predictable.

CAPRICORN December 21-January 19
You’re going through a transformative time. Hardest concept to wrap your mind around? The idea of things actually going your way.

AQUARIUS January 20-February 17
Today’s solar eclipse is extremely powerful. Its effects last a year. You can look forward to making huge strides in your life.

PISCES February 18-March 19
A shocking ending brings things to a halt. But don’t try to make heads or tails of it yet. There are more twists and turns to come.

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