Thursday, March 20, 2008


Taken from SF Gate
March 20-April 18
There’s a lot to look forward to this birthday month. One upper is your love life-- which receives a boost of energy after the 5th

TAURUS April 19-May 19
Friends feel like you’re wasting your time on a certain someone, but you believe you can turn him around. Have faith and you will.

GEMINI May 20-June 20
People call up wanting to lend a hand. Take them up on their offers. But don’t question it or you’ll risk breaking the spell.

CANCER June 21-July 21
Get ready for some larger-than-life developments. What starts out as something appearing out of left field will go on to have extraordinary repercussions.

LEO July 22-August 21
The vernal equinox always ushers in a fresh direction. But this year is different because you’re free to pursue what you want. Unfetter your imagination and let it soar.

VIRGO August 22-September 21
Look for opportunities outside your usual stomping grounds. You’ll soon be traveling far to pursue something close to your heart.

LIBRA September 22-October 22
You’ll feel a drop in energy while the Sun is in Aries. Moderate your pace and don’t take on anything that seems beyond you.

SCORPIO October 23-November 21
You wake up today feeling hopeful. Are you crazy to think this way? Nope. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by what the next few days bring.

SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 20
Get your nose out of that romance novel because truth will be eclipsing fiction over the next four weeks. It’s passion the way it was always meant to be.

CAPRICORN December 21-January 19
You thought things were winding down. Guess again. Be ready to be on the go like never before.

AQUARIUS January 20-February 17
Getting together with an old friend gets intense. Evidently you needed to unload for a long time. Don’t worry because s/he’s still there for you.

PISCES February 18-March 19
You meet someone who wants to make all your worries go away. You know how promises like these carry hidden costs. Say thanks but no thanks.

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