Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Taken from SF Gate
March 20-April 18
Pick one thing you know you do well and focus on that. This way you play to your strengths and won’t spread yourself too thin.

TAURUS April 19-May 19
The current alignment of planets brings out your inner two-year old—and not in a flattering way. Take some private time to reestablish emotional equilibrium.

GEMINI May 20-June 20
Think twice before writing that check because a last minute request is calculated to bilk you for more.

CANCER June 21-July 21
You don’t appreciate hearing through a colleague what a boss or client should have told you himself. Meet with this person pronto.

LEO July 22-August 21
Today’s grand trine in earth brings news of a job opening or opportunity. Just goes to show that no sooner does one door close than another opens.

VIRGO August 22-September 21
Is that all there is? That question’s been on your mind a lot recently. Leave it unanswered and see how the Universe responds over the next few weeks.

LIBRA September 22-October 22
You know you’re not getting the whole story. But trust that people will share what’s going on when the time is right.

SCORPIO October 23-November 21
It suddenly dawns on you that the “friend” an acquaintance has been telling you about is actually her. Play along and she’ll eventually admit it.

SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 20
It’s unsettling to discover that you’re not so unique anymore. Your challenge is to reinvent yourself and raise the bar.

CAPRICORN December 21-January 19
An impromptu excursion broadens your horizons. Maybe you come across an out-of-the-way store or discover an up and coming restaurant. This enriches your world.

AQUARIUS January 20-February 17
Time heals all wounds. It’s still too early to forgive those who did you wrong, but understanding their mindset is a step in the right direction.

PISCES February 18-March 19
Someone who came on strong develops cold feet. Let him go. He’ll be back when he realizes you won’t come running after him.

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