Thursday, April 10, 2008


Taken from SF Gate

ARIES March 20-April 18
An acquaintance helps out. How can you thank him? By doing the same for someone else one day.

TAURUS April 19-May 19
Don’t talk yourself out of that bold new move. You’re ready to strike out on your own and should go for it!

GEMINI May 20-June 20
Adopt a wait-and-see attitude at work. There are too many conflicting stories and you don’t know who to believe. This will all get straightened out next week.

CANCER June 21-July 21
Don’t be so anxious to lock in terms. Be non-committal and coquettishly vague and let the other party pursue you for a change.

LEO July 22-August 21
Over the next few weeks you’ll regain much of the ground you lost, so start thinking about where to go from there.

VIRGO August 22-September 21
This isn’t the time to question your personal abilities. Just focus on getting through this rough patch. The clouds will lift by next Thursday.

LIBRA September 22-October 22
You’re on the verge of calling it quits, but take a couple of steps back and listen to what people have to say. They’re pointing you in the right direction.

SCORPIO October 23-November 21
You’ve been through more near misses than you can count so it makes sense to be skeptical. Nevertheless the opportunity you’re looking at really is as golden as it appears.

SAGITTARIUS November 22-December 20
You’re afraid that if you don’t say yes then the assignment will go to someone else. And it probably will. But you’re busy enough as is and this person won’t do as great a job as you.

CAPRICORN December 21-January 19
Don’t put your eggs in one basket. All it takes is one misstep to wind up with egg on your face. Be prudent and hedge your bets.

AQUARIUS January 20-February 17
People are in your corner and want you to succeed. But stop treating this like it will go away. Their goodwill is here to stay.

PISCES February 18-March 19
Just because others are accustomed to you being on call 24/7 doesn’t mean you have to be. You made plans and should stick to them. They’ll live.

1 comment:

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